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Monthly Homeschool Art Course "Art Around the World"

First Friday of the Month at 10 a.m. -OR- 1 p.m.
Mustang Recreation Center
September 6, 2025 - May 1, 2026


This course is for homeschool students ages 7-18 and will focus on art movements as seen in cultures around the world. Each month we will learn about art history, elements of art and principles of design vocabulary, and create unique art pieces to build creativity and confidence through teacher-led skill builders, independent exploration, and creative problem solving. We only meet once a month to make it easy on the schedule, but these classes are packed full of extra exercises, art history, and techniques to give students a complete year's worth of OK standards-based art experience. Each class lasts 2.5 hours.


Please plan to attend all sessions as skills are scaffolded to build on previous lessons.

Two time slots are available for this course. 10:00-12:30 or 1:00-3:30 p.m.


All supplies are provided!



Sep. 5 - Native American Art

Art History: Pueblo Pottery, Navajo blankets

Terms: form, pattern, texture

Projects: pinch pots, rectangular weaving


Oct. 3 - American Artists

Art History: Georgia O'Keefe, Grant Wood, Andy Warhol, Dale Chihuly

Terms: foreground, background, emphasis, unity, composition

Projects: American Gothic spoof drawings, Chihuly inspired plastic sculptures


Nov. 7 - Central/South America

Art History: Mayan, Aztec, Incan Art and Architecture

Terms: shape, color, rhythm, repetition, relief

Projects: Paper Animal Molas, Happy Sun relief sculptures, God’s eye, Guatemalan worry dolls


Dec. 5 - Classical Europe

Art History: Greek and Roman sculpture, Italian Renaissance sculpture

Terms: value, form, mosaic, rhythm

Projects: Byzantine-inspired paper mosaics, Greek picture vase drawings, Drawing form and folds


*Jan. 9 - European Painting Styles (This class will be the SECOND Friday in January because of a schedule conflict at the Rec Center.)

Art History: Realism (Da Vinci's Last Supper), Impressionism (Van Gogh's Starry Night), Cubism (Picasso), Expressionism (Franz Marc's Blue Horse), Surrealism (Salvador Dali)

Terms: value, space, emphasis, unity

Projects: painting exercises, acrylic painting on canvas


Feb. 6 - Asian Art

Art History: Japanese Cherry Blossoms and origami, Indian Henna, Chinese New Year

Terms: value, movement, pattern, rhythm

Projects: Watercolor cherry blossoms, Mendhi hand art, Chinese dragon stick puppet, origami


Mar. 6 - African Art

Art History: Egyptian hieroglyphics, African masks

Terms: shape, positive and negative space, symmetry, balance

Projects: Egyptian name cartouche, African mask, African animal silhouette watercolors


April 3 - Australian Art

Art History: Aboriginal dot art

Terms: Shape, color, rhythm

Projects: animal dot art acrylic on paper, zentangle ink landscape, Australian animals


May 1 - Antarctica

Art History: Ice crystals, Op Art, and Penguins

Terms: Line, contrast, pattern, value, form

Projects: Summer Penguin model magic sculpture, drawing optical illusions, colored pencil crystals




Design Sunlight

is based in Mustang, OK

Call: 405-819-9313


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